Rape Me, PLEASE!!!

Y’all know how I write truths right? I’m about to scare the balls outta so many men right now.
Apparently, five(5) out of every eight(8) men aged between 19 and 27 have been asked at least once by their female lovers to rape them. This is your lady and she’s demanding that you rape her. Chix ask you (and they stress it) that you be borderline violent. That you make it as real as possible. And as it becomes more of a habit than an adventurous traipse into sexual fantasies & fulfilment, the sessions become more and more violent.

The psychology behind this is easy enough to explain; the whole rape thing goes beyond the throes of fantasy. They say that rape is about the worst thing that could happen to a woman and that in fact almost all women over the age of 17 have ever imagined themselves in a rape situation. The act of rape, or the threat of it causes a massive release of adrenaline which in the case of rape-fantasy fanatics has been linked to stimulation of the sexual nature. Studies show that in some women, most women actually, love the feeling of sexual submission with a chosen few getting kicks out of imagining themselves as so irresistible that a man has to take her forcibly. It’s all about dominance with women it seems isn’t it? They either want it or if not, have it to use it in using you.

Now here’s where it gets creepy, recent research has proven that there is a class of women who actually put themselves in precarious positions to actually get raped. They walk around dark, deserted sections of dangerous neighbourhoods courting a willing dick to take them to their psychotic ecstasies. Oft-times they don’t report the rape if it does occur [due to the whole guilt aspect] but many admit later on that it was “realer than expected”. For the more docile and somewhat rational women, they merely enjoy the ‘roughness’ associated with the act of rape which they urge their sexual partners to incorporate in the bedroom since they can “totally trust [their men] not to hurt [them]”. So basically it becomes sex therapy for the partaking female and many couples will attest the first few sessions as memorably the best sexual encounters they’ve ever had. But as with all good things, too much of this particular brand of what society would term as deviancy starts losing its climactic appeal and the only way to achieve as much pleasure as possible the level of violence significantly mounts per session.

Now, let it be understood that just as with bisexuality, not all females have a tendency to ravishment, as it is referred in the field of psychology, but for those who do have the afore-defined burning sensation within them to get raped, don’t worry it’s normal but should be treated before you find yourself in real danger.

Special thanks to Keny@n, Margaret Atwood & Desmond Ravenstone.

Infinitepyro, 08.

8 thoughts on “Rape Me, PLEASE!!!

  1. Good day I was fortunate to discover your website in Bing
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  2. While your post may have some truth in it, it is not entirely true. It is misleading and untrue to say that most women over the age of 17 have imagined themselves rapped.There is a stark difference between the violence of rape and fantasies of domination. I’m quite disappointed with this post. I like your other posts though.


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