Corona Screening

I tested positive. Every day since Sars-cov-2 was announced my minds eye has been twitching at the thought of the Anon who whistleblew on a coronavirus that may or may not be unleashed unto the world as a final “fuck you”. That was October 2019. I wonder whether that was a really unlucky bit ofContinue reading “Corona Screening”

The Seven Gateways in Kenya.

WhAT?!! *Russell Peters’ Indian accent* I’m too tired! Too too tired! I’m gymed out. And swimmed out. And certifiably pigged out 🙂 But There’s something on my mind I must get down as soon as possible, as quick as my tired pectoral muscles, aching triceps and sore fingers shall allow me. Yesterday, ensconced (this wordContinue reading “The Seven Gateways in Kenya.”